Open House & Bazaar, October 6, featuring Rummage Sale, Plant Sale, Bake Sale, Crafters, Food items, Games, Entertainment
Moiliili Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
invites you to a
Open House & Bazaar
When: Sunday, October 6, 2024
Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Where: Moiliili Hongwaji Mission,
902 University Ave
Rummage Sale
There will be new or slightly used items such as kitchenware, household items, games & toys, clothing, and cultural items. Kolohe Krafters have been busy sewing and making handmade items. If you are able to sort, label and price items, help is especially needed on Sundays from 10:45-1:00.
Plant Sale
Many plant lovers are busy propagating a variety of plants & vegetables. Plants may be dropped off from Thurs. to Sat. before the bazaar. Drop offs will be inside the gated area.
Baked Goods
Baked goods (homemade or bought) are welcome. All items must be individually wrapped, priced, and have an ingredient label. If help is needed with labeling, please contact the office. Drop off will be on Saturday afternoon and Sunday after 7 am for perishable items. Mochi makers will be making mochi on Saturday from 9:00 am. Your help or contribution will be appreciated.
Food Sale
Food items being planned are saimin, teri burger, teri burger deluxe with fries, spam bowl, inarizushi, barazushi and shave ice. Ono homemade food is popular and sells out quickly, so be sure to come early.
Dharma School
The Dharma School will be making Balloon Animals, spin the Prize Wheel, and decorate notebooks. Families are invited to bring their children for some fun!
Outside craft vendors will be joining us. Please come check them out for possible holiday gifts!
“Ask Us Questions”
The “Ask Us Questions” table with Rev. David Fujimoto, President Joanne Kealoha, and Project Dana will be in the annex. Everyone is encouraged to come and talk story. In addition, a tour of the temple will be at 10:00 and 11:00 am. The public is welcome to tour the temple and ask questions.
Among the entertainers this year are Pacific Buddhist Acadamy’s Taiko Group and a magician. Families are highly recommended to come and check them out, at no additional cost!
Members and the public are welcome to Moiliili Hongwanji’s Open House and Bazaar on October 6th. Parking is available in front of the temple and in the side lot or at BSC. Please help spread the word.
Come on down!