Other sources of events and news

Here are some other sources of events and news that may be of interest to the Moiliili Hongwanji Mission community.

Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii

Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in the Islands

Example of news items and events:

Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin

A Jodo Shinshu Buddhist temple

Example of news items and events:


Buddhist Study Center

[Excerpt from https://bschawaii.org/about-us/]

The Buddhist Study Center (BSC) was established in 1972 as a part of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii (HHMH).

Located next to the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus, the BSC has a close working relationship with UH faculty in the Department of Religion.

The BSC also works with other educational institutions, religious groups, and community programs. The BSC serves as the Hawaii office of Ryukoku University, a major Shinshu Buddhist institution of Japan, and as the Hawaii branch office for the International Association of Shin Buddhist Studies.

Student Center. Students are welcome to use the BSC for studying, relaxing, counseling, socializing and other planned activities. The BSC assists in student networking, provides information about Hongwanji programs, and sponsors the BSC Fellowship Club for college students and young adults.

Religious Education Center. The BSC provides a broad range of religious education programs. These include BSC Summer Session, a weeklong seminar with guest scholar; the Dharma Light Program, series of classes on Buddhist topics; and outreach through its publications, get-togethers, interfaith projects and community education activities.

Examples of news items and events:

Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii

Examples of upcoming events:

BDK Hawaii