February Sunday Services

You’re invited to our Sunday Services @ 9:00 a.m. at Moiliili Hongwanji during the month of February. Family, friends, and public are welcome to attend.
Moiliili Hongwanji continues to hold hybrid services. This means you can join us either in-person or through Zoom*, although in-person attendance is highly encouraged.
*The zoom link for Moiliili Hongwanji’s Sunday Services remains the same each week. If you have not received the zoom link yet, please contact the office, or subscribe to our Weekly Email from our home page, https://www.moiliilihongwanji.org/. The Weekly Email will keep you informed of upcoming events.
February 4 – Rev. Bert Sumikawa, Monthly Remembrance Service
During the first Sunday service of each month, we remember loved ones whose memorial date falls within the month. Please call the temple to register, or come a little early and register before the service. During the service, family members will be called to offer incense in memory of their loved ones. Respecting the memory of those who have gone before us is an important practice in Jodo Shinshu for it reminds of the truth of impermanence, enabling us to cherish each moment of this life as it comes, just as it is.
February 11 – Nirvana Day & Pet Memorial Service, Rev. Noriaki Fujimori of Palolo Higashi Hongwanji
Join us & celebrate Nirvana Day.
Nirvana Day is the day for remembering the death of Shakyamuni Buddha.
Our guest speaker will be Rev. Noriaki Fujimori of Palolo Higashi Hongwanji.
We will also have a Pet Memorial Service. Everyone is invited to bring pictures and names of pets to be memorialized. Please send the information (and photo if possible) to the office <mhm@moiliilihongwanji.org>. Mahalo!
February 18 – No service at Moiliili; George Takei will be speaking at Betsuin
There will be no Sunday Service at Moiliili this day. Everyone is encouraged to attend this special service at Hawaii Betsuin, 1740 Lusitana St., Honolulu, HI 96813, at 9:30 a.m.
Full details:
February 18, 2024 – Two Events with George Takei
February 25 – Rev. Bert Sumikawa; General Membership Meeting; Shinnen Enkai (New Year’s Luncheon)
The date for the General Membership Meeting and Shinnen Enkai is set for Sunday, February 25. Please mark your calendars.
The General Membership Meeting will be followed by Moiliili Hongwanji’s Shinnen Enkai (New Year’s Luncheon).
Moiliili Hongwanji’s annual Shinnen Enkai features a lively New Year’s celebration for members, family and friends to enjoy!
The cost of the Shinnen Enkai is $25 per person. Please sign-up by contacting the office at 949-1659.
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