December Sunday Services

You’re invited to our Sunday Services @ 9:00 a.m. at Moiliili Hongwanji during the month of December. Family, friends, and public are welcome to attend.
Moiliili Hongwanji continues to hold hybrid services. This means you can join us either in-person or through Zoom*, although in-person attendance is highly encouraged.
*The zoom link for Moiliili Hongwanji’s Sunday Services remains the same each week. If you have not received the zoom link yet, please contact the office, or subscribe to our Weekly Email from our home page, The Weekly Email will keep you informed of upcoming events.
December 3 HBC Bodhi Day Service at Nichiren Mission of Hawaii (No Sunday Service at Moiliili Hongwanji this day.)
Guest Speaker:
Bishop Myokei Caine-Barret
Bishop of Nichiren Shu Buddhist Order of North America
Myoken-ji Temple in Houston, Texas
Place: Nichiren Mission of Hawaii
Time: 9:30 am
Public is invited
Also to be available as a YouTube livestream.
December 10 Remembrance & Bodhi Day Service
Speaker: Rev. Reyn Tsuru of Hawaii Shingon Mission
Bodhi Holiday Sale to follow by Krafters
Everyone is invited to do holiday shopping!
December 17 Sunday Service
Dharma message will be given by Ms. Tamara Manley of Wailuku Hongwanji.
Holiday Activities
December 24 Sunday Service
Speaker: Rev. Bert Sumikawa and Dr. Carl Becker on “Why be Buddhist at Chistmas time?”
Refreshments to follow.
December 31 Sunday Service
Rev. Bert Sumikawa
Last service of the year
New Year’s Eve Service @ 7:00 p.m.
Candle light service & ringing of the kansho bell.
January 1 New Year’s Day Service
Time: 10:00 a.m.
First service of the New Year
Special New Years refreshments to follow
Let’s start the 2024 New Year with family & friends!
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