November Sunday Services

You’re invited to our Sunday Services @ 9:00 a.m. at Moiliili Hongwanji during the month of November. Family, friends, and public are welcome to attend.
Moiliili Hongwanji will continue to hold hybrid service. You can join us either in-person or through Zoom*, although in-person attendance is highly encouraged.
*The zoom link for Moiliili Hongwanji’s Sunday Services remains the same each week. If you have not received the zoom link yet, please contact the office, or subscribe to our Weekly Email from our home page, The Weekly Email will keep you informed of upcoming events.
November 5 Sunday Service
BWA Hoonko Service
Virtual Speaker: Mrs. Janet Shimada of Kahului Hongwanji
BWA meeting to follow.
Saturday, November 11 Fall Seminar at Moiliili Hongwanji Speaker: Mr. Bud Bowles of United Self Help Topic “Most Ignored Organ in the Body – All About Mental Health” Time: 9:00-11:00 a.m. with Q&A to follow. Light refreshments will be served. No cost be please register with the temple office if intereseted in attending via zoom or in-person. Donations will be accepted. |
November 12 Sunday Service
Remembrance & Veterans’ Day Service
Speaker: Rev. Bert Sumikawa
Veterans will be recognized.
Short gatha practice to follow after service.
Saturday, November 18 Christmas Craft Fair By Moiliili Sewing School & Moiliili Hongwanji Time: 10-2pm Place: Moiliili Hongwanji Social Hall Open to public. |
November 19 Sunday Service
Sangha Memorial Eitaikyo Service
Speaker: Rev. Marcus Sawada of Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji
November 26 is Temple Cleanup (No Sunday Service this day)

Everyone is invited to help at our once-per-year temple clean-up.
Please kokua if you can! Lunch will be served.
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