September Sunday Services

You’re invited to our Sunday Services at Moiliili Hongwanji during the month of September. Everybody’s welcome.
Time: 9:00 am
We hold Sunday Service in a hybrid setting. You can join us either in person or through Zoom.*
September 3
Remembrance Service
Speaker: Rev. Bert Sumikawa
Contact the office if you would like to honor your loved ones who passed away in the month of September of any year.
September 10
Sunday Service
Lay Speaker: Martha Samson
Happy Grandparents’ Day
September 17
Sunday Service
Lay Speaker: Dennis Sekine of Aiea Hongwanji
BWA Meeting to follow after refreshments
September 24
Autumn Equinox Ohigan Service 🍂
Speaker: Rev. Al Urasaki
Also on September 24th:
The State Ministers Association assisted by Maui District Ministers Association are hosting a memorial service for the Maui wildfires under the guidance of Bishop Umitani.
Date: Sunday, September 24th, 2023
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin
Platform: In-Person and Zoom
Dharma Talks: Bishop Toshiyuki Umitani, Rev. Ai Hironaka
All donations from the service will go to the HHMH Maui Wildfire Relief Fund.
Everyone is invited to the service in-person and Zoom.
Registration is required to receive the service’s Zoom link.
Registration deadline for Zoom is Thursday, September 21.
Note: Moiliili Hongwanji will be displaying the live zoom video feed in our Hondo for those wishing to view the service from our temple. No registration is required to view the service from our Hondo.
* The zoom link for Moiliili Hongwanji’s Sunday Services remains the same each week. If you have not received the zoom link yet, please contact the office, or, better, subscribe to our Weekly Email from our home page, The Weekly Email will keep you informed of upcoming events.
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