Reminder: Lay Speaker Sunday, featuring Mr. Neil Yamamoto: Sunday, August 27
Join us this Sunday, August 27th at 9:00am for Lay Speaker Sunday!
The last Sunday of each month is usually dedicated to a lay speaker giving the Dharma message.
The lay speaker can be a temple member or non-member.
Our lay speaker this Sunday will be Mr. Neil Yamamoto of Windward Buddhist Temple. The title of his message will be “How Plate Lunch is Related to Buddhism.”
We hold Sunday Services in a hybrid setting. You can join us either in person or via Zoom. (In-person attendance is encouraged, if you are able.) Please contact our temple office for Zoom Link or for more information at 808-949-1659. The Zoom Link is included in our Weekly Email as well, which you can subscribe to from our home page. Mahalo!
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