Invitation to Sunday Service on March 12, 2023, with Dharma message by Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani

Dear Moiliili Hongwanji Members and Friends,
I hope this email finds you well within the Compassionate Light of Amida Buddha. I would like to invite you and your family to our Sunday Service at Moiliili Hongwanji.
*Time: 9:00 am
*We hold Sunday Service in a hybrid setting. You can join us either in person or via Zoom.
- Kansho (Temple Bell)
- Vandana & Ti-Sarana
- Remembrance
- Sutra Chanting: “Twelve Homages” (*Service Book (PDF) is available online from here.)
- Gatha: “Quest of Life”
- Dharma Message: Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani
- Reading: “Mettabhavana (I)”
- Nembutsu
- Acknowledgments & Announcements
In-Person: Anyone is welcome to attend in person.
Online: Please click the Zoom link* to join in the service starting at 9:00 a.m.
- Feel free to invite your family and friends to our Sunday Service. Your donation is greatly appreciated. <Donate Now>
- Request for Altar Flowers: We are always in need of flowers for our Temple and Columbarium altars. If you have flowers that are long-lasting or tall greens to share, please bring them to the temple by 4:30 pm on Thursdays or by 8:00 am on Fridays. Ginger and heliconia are good examples. Thank you for your help.
- Hongwanji Passport Program – Did you receive your passport? If not, please pick up one at the temple. Collect six stickers by visiting temples/Offices in the Honolulu District (Betsuin, Jikoen, Windward, Moiliili, HQ, and BSC).
- March 12 at 9am – Remembrance Sunday (Speaker: Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani)
- March 19 – Temple Spring Clean-up (No Sunday Service)
- March 25 at 10am – BSC Spring Online Session with Rev. Jon Turner (attached flyer)
- April 2 – Hawaii Buddhist Council Buddha Day at Jodo Mission (attached flyer)
- White Way Broadcast every Saturday at KZOO Radio (AM1210) from 7:45 am-8:00 am. Listen to KZOO Radio Online (Click “Listen to KZOO” on their website) – 3/11 Speaker: Rev. Shigenori Makino (Retired Minister)
- Archive of the White Way Radio Broadcasts
Toshiyuki Umitani
Resident Minister, Moiliili Hongwanji Mission

Additional announcements:
3/18 Honpa Hongwanji Hilo Betsuin’s Spring Seminar
Honpa Hongwanji Hilo Betsuin’s
Spring Seminar
You are invited to attend the 2023 Spring Seminar at the Honpa Hongwanji Hilo Betsuinon Saturday, March 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The event will be held in person and on ZOOM.
The featured speaker will be Rev. Elaine Donlin of the Buddhist Church of San Francisco (BCSF), California. She will present on the 2023 Hongwanji Slogan: Building Healthy Sanghas: Sharing Joy Together. After her presentation there will be opportunities for questions and answers, and a Dharma discussion will follow for one hour after lunch.
The Saturday session is from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. requiring a fee of $10.00 to cover lunch and materials. Please register at the temple office located at 398 Kilauea Avenue by March 16, 2023. You may also attend the Saturday session for free on ZOOM.
Date: | Saturday, March 18, 2023 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (HST) |
In-Person: | Hilo Betsuin YBA Hall 398 Kilauea Ave $10 fee to cover lunch and materials |
Zoom link: | Meeting ID: 934 7060 7158 Passcode: HHHB Attending on Zoom is free. |
3/19 at 2pm – Seminar at Chaminade University
“Spirit in the time of radical change”
Hawaii Buddhist Council
“Hanamatsuri” – Celebrating the Birth of Shakyamuni Buddha
Date: | Sunday, April 2, 2023 9:30 am (HST) |
Place: | Jodo Mission of Hawaii 1429 Makiki Street, HNL Phone: (808)949-3995 |
Message: | Dr. George Tanabe “Why We Tell Stories?” |
Feature Show: JATAKA TALES @10:45am
by Jeff Gere with Lesley Kline
(co-sponsored by BDK Hawai’i)
Free & Open to the Public
For more information: Please contact (808)949-3995 or email at
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