Invitation to Joya no Kane (YEAR-END TEMPLE BELL) and NEW YEAR’S DAY events, and January 2 Online Sunday Service

Dear Moiliili Hongwanji Members and Friends,
I would like to invite you and your family to the following events as we end the year 2021 and start the New Year 2022. I hope you will join us to celebrate the beginning of the New Year.
- The temple Hondo will be open from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm for everyone to ring the temple bell (Joya no Kane). Please follow COVID-19 related precautions.
1/1/2022 NEW YEAR’S DAY
- The temple Hondo will be open from 9:00 am to 11:00 am for everyone to express their New Year’s greetings/appreciations to Amida Buddha and offer incense. Please follow COVID-19 related precautions
- White Way Radio Broadcast at 7:45 am on KZOO (AM 1210) – Speakers: His eminence Gomonshu Kojun Ohtani (Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha) and Bishop Eric Matsumoto (Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii)
1/2/2022 SUNDAY SERVICE (Online Only):
*Due to the new COVID-19 related restrictions, Moiliili Hongwanji will hold Sunday Services via Zoom until further notice.
- Kansho (Temple Bell)
- Meditation and Vandana & Ti-Sarana
- Sutra Chanting: “Junirai” (*Service Book (PDF) is available online from here.)
- Gatha: “I Say Namo Amida Butsu”
- Dharma Message: Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani
- Reading: Shinshu Pledge (II)
- Gatha: “All Life is One”
- Nembutsu
- Acknowledgments & Announcements
In-Person: Not available at this time.
Online: Please click the Zoom link* to join in the service starting at 9:00 a.m.
- Feel free to invite your family and friends to our Sunday Service. Your donation is greatly appreciated. <Donate Now>
- 1/9 Hoonko Service: Guest Speaker Rev. Daido Baba (Executive Assistant to the Bishop, HQ)
- The White Way Radio Broadcasts
- Moiliili Hongwanji Market Place
In Gassho,
Toshiyuki Umitani
Resident Minister, Moiliili Hongwanji Mission

Additional announcements:
January 2022 In Person Services Cancelled
Due to the high rate of Covid-19 infections we are currently experiencing in Hawaii, we are cancelling in person services planned for January. The Temple Reopening Committee will continue to monitor Covid-19 infection rates, along with CDC, federal and state health recommendations on a monthly basis, and will resume in person services when it is safe to do so.
We appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we try to balance the need for in person services with the health and safety of all of our members.
Martha Samson
Temple Reopening Committee
The Market Place
You are invited to visit Moiliili Hongwanji’s
We are actively adding items to the following categories:
Featuring Now
Home Accessories
Cultural Clothing
Craft Kits, Craft Supplies
Handcrafted Items
Games & Entertainments
Name Your Best Offer
Items are available via pick-up
at our temple office on University Ave.
Thank you for supporting The Market Place and Moiliili Hongwanji Buddhist Temple.
Online Course on Shin Buddhism starting in February
Starting in February, Dr. Kenneth Tanaka is offering an Online Course on Shin Buddhism. See attached flyer for registration information, course topics and dates.
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