HBC BODHI DAY SERVICE, Sunday, December 5th on youtube at 9:30 a.m.
Note: there will be no Sunday Service at Moiliili this day. Everyone is encouraged to join (virtually) the HBC Bodhi Day Service on YouTube.
2021 HBC Bodhi Day Service

When: December 5, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.
Where: HBC YouTube Channel
Hawaii Buddhist Council (HBC) will premiere a Virtual Bodhi Day Service December 5, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. on the HBC YouTube Channel. It will be available on demand afterwards.
The speakers will be HBC bishops & ministers who have taken the “One Minute Dharma Talk Challenge” on the topic, “What is Bodhi (Enlightenment)?”
Here is a screenshot from an unofficial trailer video for the service.

Additional announcements:
“The White Way” Radio Broadcast for November 20th, 2021
The guest speaker for “The White Way” Radio Broadcast for November 20th, 2021 was Rev. Daido Baba. This broadcast was sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sorakubo.
“The White Way” Radio Broadcast for November 27th, 2021
The guest speaker for “The White Way” Radio Broadcast for November 27th, 2021 was Rev. Joshin Kamuro. This broadcast was sponsored by the Morikubo Family.
Dana Food Drive: Nov 7 to Dec 19
You are invited to contribute to
Moiliili Hongwanji Dharma School’s
Dana Food Drive!
Especially looking
Canned goods
(vegetables, fruits, soup)
Canned meats & beans
(spam, tuna, chicken, vienna sausage)
Canned meals
(stew, spaghetti, chili)
Packaged items
(5# bags of white rice, ramen, spaghetti
noodles, mac & cheese, etc.)
Please check expiration dates.
No perishables please!
Drop off at
Moiliili Hongwanji
902 University Ave.
Donations will be made to The Pantry.
Let’s support those in need, especially during this pandemic!
The Market Place
You are invited to visit Moiliili Hongwanji’s
The Market Place will be open for special in-person viewing & shopping on Tues, Dec. 7th and Mon., Dec. 13th from 1:00-4:00 p.m.. Special arrangements can also be made for other days and times.
This will be a chance to do last minute shopping for your family & friends at bargain prices. Stocking stuffers are also available.
We are actively adding items to the following categories:
Featuring Now
Home Accessories
Cultural Clothing
Craft Kits, Craft Supplies
Handcrafted Items
Games & Entertainments
Name Your Best Offer
Items are available via pick-up
at our temple office on University Ave.
Thank you for supporting The Market Place and Moiliili Hongwanji Buddhist Temple.
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