What’s new and upcoming (April 26th, 2020)

Published April 26, 2020 by

Greetings! Here’s a quick run down on what’s new and upcoming.

Rev. Umitani’s Dharma Message for the Eshinni Kakushinni Day on April 25, 2020

Yesterday, April 25, was the Eshinni & Kakushinni Day. Rev. Umitani wrote a Dharma Message in honor of Lady Eshinni, with accompanying photograph.

Senseis say ‘Hello!’ Short messages from Honpa Hongwanji ministers

The State Ministers Association Senseis say ‘Hello!’ YouTube playlist continues. Short videos are posted every few days from Honpa Hongwanji ministers. This past week there were two Hello messages: one from Rev. Blayne Higa of Kona Hongwanji and one from Rev. Shingo Furusawa of Hawaii Betsuin:


Online Sunday service from the State Ministers Association

During the statewide stay-at-home order due to the coronavirus outbreak, the HHMH State Ministers Association will continue sharing a weekly service via YouTube on Sundays at 10 a.m. Scheduled for this Sunday is Rev. Tomo Hojo.

Please visit and subscribe to the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii YouTube channel:

Our Facebook page

Also checkout the activity on our Facebook page, such as this recent post:

Take care,

Moiliili Hongwanji Mission

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