Cancellation of Bon Dance and Moiliili Summer Fest (originally scheduled for July 3rd and 4th, 2020)
The following is a letter to our community by Moiliili Hongwanji temple president Raymond Takiue Jr. and Moiliili Hongwanji resident minister Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani. (Download as PDF.)
April 1, 2020
To All Concerned,
After much deliberation, the Moiliili Hongwanji Buddhist Temple has decided to cancel the Bon Dance and Moiliili Summer Fest which were originally scheduled for July 3rd and 4th, 2020. The health and safety of our temple members and the community in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak is the utmost importance to us and the temple.
With the uncertainty as to when we will emerge from this pandemic, we have decided to cancel rather than postpone the events.
It is through situations like this that we are once again reminded how impermanent and interdependent we all are. Embraced by the Infinite Wisdom and Compassion of Amida Buddha, we will get through this situation together. Let us continue to support each other and the temple as we move forward.
In gassho,
Raymond Takiue, Jr., President
Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani, Resident Minister
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